We get it, we've been there, we understand it all.
You want to talk about what you're going through with people at home, but they just don't understand.
Because not being able to talk about what's really on our minds, feeling ashamed of our feelings and thoughts, not knowing if someone will really understand without telling us we should probably leave our partner...
...is a heavy burden to carry.
It weighs on you in the back of your mind and heart.
Because the more we shut down, swallow our truths when we long to speak, the more anxious and obsessive we get.
Most likely you don't speak about what you're going through with people around you because you don't if they will understand (and most likely, they don't) and you're terrified of hearing that you should leave your partner, get triggered and feel judged.
Oofh, it's so hard, because a part of you longs to speak, to express what's on your heart, but if you do, you've gone deep into reassurance compulsions and you're worried about what others are now thinking of you or you're swallowing your words, pushing down every thought that wants to speak up, which makes you feel 100x more alone and heavy.
And the loneliness can add up inside and spill in out in ways where you might project on to your partner, blame them further and keep you trapped in the spiral of obsessive thinking.
So you may finally reach out someone, and that someone is a person who finally understands ROCD, but they're walking alongside of you too, and you're not sure if they're feeding into your reassurance and making your ROCD worse, and they're struggling too...