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The ROCD/RA HOME: a safe virtual community for uncensored ROCD/RA talks (weekly group support)

Love, we get how lonely this journey of Relationship OCD/anxiety and relationship work can be behind closed doors...

We get it, we've been there, we understand it all.

You want to talk about what you're going through with people at home, but they just don't understand.

Because not being able to talk about what's really on our minds, feeling ashamed of our feelings and thoughts, not knowing if someone will really understand without telling us we should probably leave our partner...

...is a heavy burden to carry.

It weighs on you in the back of your mind and heart.

Because the more we shut down, swallow our truths when we long to speak, the more anxious and obsessive we get.

Most likely you don't speak about what you're going through with people around you because you don't if they will understand (and most likely, they don't) and you're terrified of hearing that you should leave your partner, get triggered and feel judged.

Oofh, it's so hard, because a part of you longs to speak, to express what's on your heart, but if you do, you've gone deep into reassurance compulsions and you're worried about what others are now thinking of you or you're swallowing your words, pushing down every thought that wants to speak up, which makes you feel 100x more alone and heavy.

And the loneliness can add up inside and spill in out in ways where you might project on to your partner, blame them further and keep you trapped in the spiral of obsessive thinking.

So you may finally reach out someone, and that someone is a person who finally understands ROCD, but they're walking alongside of you too, and you're not sure if they're feeding into your reassurance and making your ROCD worse, and they're struggling too...
Here's what we've noticed after working with ROCD/RA ourselves and working with 10,000+ of clients all around the world.

In this journey of healing from ROCD, you will...
😔 Have moments where you want to give up and want to leave (and be really close to it).
💥 Feel like you're alone in this journey of Relationship OCD and that no one understands.
😴 Have times when you should be doing the work, but you don't have true, good accountability to keep you going.
😓 Wonder if anyone else really gets you.
🌹 Crave motivation and inspiration from someone who is "ahead" of you but the comparison stories just make you more triggered and far "behind".

BUT, this is what happens when you get the right support you deserve...
🥰 Feel saved from moments when you're about give up from leaving your partner. 
❤️ Feel extremely supported, know you belong even if your friends and family don't understand, you know you have people who understand you.
✨ Understand when and how you should be doing the work - you have accountability from people who understand and it doesn't feel lonely, you feel supported and can move forward easier.
🙏🏻 Feel motivation and inspiration from people who are "ahead" to keep going (and all of a sudden, you're there).

At Awaken into Love, we are - more than ever - strongly committed to fight loneliness and isolation #YANA

❤️ The ROCD/RA HOME 🏠 

-You're tired of wishing you were understood and seen with the deep suffering and struggles you hide from other people. You're tired of wasting your time and energy on trying to educate people who do'nt really get it

-You want to be heard and truly witnessed in your story without holding back. 

-You want to hear other people say "I understand" while hearings others and thinking "Wow, I understand"

-You crave to be held in a community that feels safe, where you don't have to hear triggering phrases and be left alone with your thoughts that keep you spiraling. If you do spiral, you know you have a place that brings you back home.

-You want honesty and accountability in your journey of healing. Not the honesty that says "you should just leave your partner" but an honesty that shows you your blind spots while knowing that relationship requires work.

-You want someone to pull you out when you're at the edge of breaking up with your partner and ending it all.

-You want to feel motivated, inspired and excited to hear from people who have walked the path before you, who are now showing you the way.

-You are longing for a feeling of home and community , where you're being seen and help in this lonely journey.

THEN...The Awaken into Love HOME is the right place for you to be simply human, as there's no judgement, only openness, care and true compassion, here. 
What you'll get in the ROCD/RA Home 
(weekly group-support sessions with ROCD mentors): 
💥 4x weekly 75min LIVE call per month with your peer support mentors, people who are there to guide and support you in your personal ROCD/RA journey.

😍 Trained mentor & peer-support facilitator who will hold a safe, loving and non-judgmental at-home online space for you to share your story, benefit from the wisdom & support of others in a non-reassurance and compulsions-free guaranteed way.

 🌹Meet other people around the world, make actual friends and come as you are, as we are all in this journey together (no shame, no judgment here!).

✨ Be held accountable with the work from mentors and your community.

The ROCD/RA HOME is not for you if...

  • You don't want to meet anyone and want to do this healing journey alone.
  • You want to blame your partner and others for your suffering and don't want to take any accountability in this journey.
  • You want a fast, immediate fix and don't want to put in any of the work.
  • ​ You don't want to collaborate with others and hear their stories and journey.
What people have said about 
our HOME...


“It made me feel seen and feel like I have a community where people understand what I am going through.”


“Awaken into Love literally saved my life”


“It’s been so transformational for me”


“I remember always thinking "what is wrong with me"?, "why can't I have a normal relationship like everyone else?" or "am I even just not made for relationship"? and feeling just so confused. I felt SO relieved when I found AIL, finally someone understood me"


"This community has been such an amazing resource for me through my ROCD journey. Without this amazing group, I’m unsure where I would be. "


"I have been attending AIL group program for the past few months and it has quickly come to be an important source of support. Kiyomi holds the group with generosity, kindness and wisdom, and the community she has created is special. Having the opportunity to speak about experiences of ROCD and witness the experience of others has been really powerful and I have felt seen and heard in a way that I had never previously felt. I work as a therapist and the insight I have gained from it has found its way into my work with my patients in all sorts of surprising ways. Being in the group brings up a lot, and it can be very vulnerable, but it has been absolutely worth it." - KIC member, therapist 


 "I Ioved the community. I never in a million years thought someone was having the same issues as I was when ROCD first came into my life. I wish I knew about this course and community years ago- my 16-year-old self could have really used it!"


"It has changed my life, honestly. I have never experienced a more welcoming and supportive community that has each other’s backs and wants to see each other grow. "


"Everybody in this community, you all are absolutely amazing people. This is the first time truly in my life that I feel accepted…"


"I joined AIL group program after spending a while in the AIL community, because I felt so alone in my journey with ROCD and needed some extra support. I took part in many groups before in my life, and I think the way the Kiyomi is holding space and guiding us as a group is phenomenal, combining so much empathy, spirituality and deep thorough knowledge of OCD and ROCD. The practices we do in the sessions are way beyond ROCD, it is deep inner work that I feel that has got me closer to myself. The group itself is consisted of amazing and brave people that I’m learning so much from their wisdom. My ROCD symptoms have improved so much, and I know that a big part of it is because of the safe space that this group has become for me. I know now that I have a weekly regular space where I can share my fears and emotions, and hear others share theirs too. I’m so thankful to have it. I recommend anyone who feels like he’s the only one on the planet having these thoughts and fears, to come join us and see you’re so not alone with it! 
-Hadas, Therapist"


"When I joined  this program I didn’t know if it was going to resonate with me. My guard was up because I had walked so much of my rOCD journey in isolation due to the shame that this experience can bring up. I never would have imagined that the safe space Kiyomi has created was exactly what I needed at that point in my journey. Kiyomi has created a soft landing, a non-judgemental compassionate container for those going through really challenging times - she truly truly cares about her community. The active component of  this program is also incredible - the tools and resources we are learning about and building make us better able to show up for ourselves outside of the group. I highly recommend giving  this group work a try, if you are hesitant, know that I’ve been there, and I’m so glad I made the decision to show up for myself and ultimately for others in the community."


"I always felt apprehensive & anxious about group work but it has allow me to gently bring down barriers and use community as a way to awaken more. This community has brought me so much more wisdom and a sense of that I will never be alone again. The exercises, inner child work, somatic work and conversations we have in this group are both gentle and transformative which has opened my mind and body to understand my journey into awakening. Sharing this experience with my partner has helped our relationship become more resilient and has aided us both to awaken into love as individuals and as a couple. Thank you Kiyomi I will be forever grateful, you have changed my life."


Q: When will the ROCD/RA HOME start!
A: We started last August 5th 2024 at 11am MST, and will work closely together every week for 75-minutes (you stay as many months as you wish, you can cancel anytime!)

Q: How long is the program?
A: It started last August 5th, 2024 and is on-going!

Q: I was in KIC and every session was recorded, will this be the same?
A: Yes, we will be recording the sessions in September. Due to true confidentiality and safety, we have a very strict Replay policy. Replays will only be available for 48 hours after each Live HOME session and after this window, we'll delete the replay from the portal.

Q: Who will be the peer support mentors?
A: Group support calls will be led by our Awaken into Love COO, Manon Lamarque and the founder of Awaken into Love, Kiyomi LaFleur.

Q: What will be the dates and times of sessions?
A: We will be hosting the calls on either Mondays at 11am MST or  Wednesdays at 1pm MST. 

Q: What is the price?
A: $79 USD per month, which is $20 a class!

Q: How many classes will happen monthly? in total?
A: If you join for one month only, you'll get 4 LIVE classes with Manon and/or Kiyomi.

Q: How many participants can I expect in the group?
A: We don't have the exact numbers of the members yet since the enrollment is still ongoing. Yet, we want to keep it intimate and make sure the group setting is both safe and welcoming or all participants.

IMPORTANT: Awaken into Love does not provide emergency services. If you believe you have any other physical or mental health problem, or if you have any questions regarding your physical or mental health or a medical condition, you should promptly consult your physician or mental health professional or other healthcare provider. If you are in need of help, or are experiencing a medical emergency, immediately call 988 or 911 or contact a mental health professional.
Because Awaken into Love does not provide emergency or therapy services, taking part of Awaken into Love products is not appropriate for people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings. If you happen to be suicidal or have suicidal thoughts, you commit to not take this program but will instead reach out to a mental health professional or call 988 or 911.