Join The Awaken into Love ROCD/Relationship Anxiety Academy and go from feeling lost and alone to experiencing more connection and love!
Join The Awaken into Love ROCD 2.0 Course and go from feeling lost and alone to experiencing more connection and love!

-Please note that due to our system, if you purchase the monthly subscription ($44.99) or yearly subscription ($399), we cannot offer a refund after 12 hours of purchase
-Cancel your membership anytime. 
-If you need to cancel, you must email us and use the cancellation form instead of disputing, or else we cannot let you back into any future programs with AIL. 

-Please note that due to our system, if you purchase the annual ($399) or monthly subscription ($44.99), we cannot offer a refund after 12 hours of purchase
- Cancel your membership to the course anytime!
Disclaimer: This course is not meant to replace professional therapy but can help educate and support you along the process. If you are looking for a licensed and professional therapist, then please contact someone that may be able to assist you. Please note that this course is not meant to diagnose you or treat a mental health disorder, it's just intended to educate and support you. 

IMPORTANT: Awaken into Love does not provide emergency services. If you believe you have any other physical or mental health problem, or if you have any questions regarding your physical or mental health or a medical condition, you should promptly consult your physician or mental health professional or other healthcare provider. If you are in need of help, or are experiencing a medical emergency, immediately call 988 or 911 or contact a mental health professional.
Because Awaken into Love does not provide emergency or therapy services, taking part of Awaken into Love products is not appropriate for people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings. If you happen to be suicidal or have suicidal thoughts, you commit to not take this program but will instead reach out to a mental health professional or call 988 or 911.

By joining us, you are agreeing that:

* You are over the age of 18. If you are under 18, you have permission from your parent and/or therapist.

*You understand that the ROCD/Relationship Anxiety Academy is not a substitute for therapy.

* In order to cancel, you must let us know at least 3-5 business days in advance or else we cannot issue a refund. IMPORTANT: Email us at to ensure we've received your cancellation request. Without this confirmation email, your subscription may remain active.

* You understand that due to our system if you purchase the monthly or yearly subscription we cannot issue a refund after 12 hours of purchase.

* You are not feeling suicidal, and if you are, you will not join the course but reach out to a professional and/or call the suicide hotline immediately. The hotline for the United States is 800-273-8255, and for the UK: 0800 068 4141 For another country, please go on google and type in suicide hotline (in your country)
$399 USD per year
$44.99 USD per month
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Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Order Summary
Dynamically Updated
Here's What You'll Get:
  • 6 Modules: Learn about how to find freedom from Relationship OCD/RA and Obsessive Doubts 
  • Awaken into Love Community... Meet the most loving and supportive Private Awaken into Love Community. With almost 600 people from all over the world experiencing Relationship OCD/RA and obsessions just like you! One of the most supportive and compassionate communities - you will find relief to know you're not alone.
  • Q&A LIVES with Kiyomi and/or Awaken into Love Coaches. Tune in the second Thursday of the month to join our LIVES with Kiyomi and/or Awaken into Love Expert. We go over Q&A's , your Relationship OCD topics, and to answer your burning questions (non-compulsively)
  • NEW Masterclasses... Join us for brand new topics and masterclasses the last Thursday of the month to help you grow in your journey with ROCD/anxiety.
  • The FULL ROCD Checklist... Get the full ROCD checklist to help you get obsessive thoughts answered fast!
  •  30 Most Frequently Asked Q&A’s... You’ll have access to answers to the most common questions people ask about rOCD... and if you have questions that aren't on there, you can ask us in the LIVE.
  • 6 Life-changing Checklists and Worksheets... you’ll receive multiple check-lists and worksheets throughout the course to guide you through your process.
  • Frequently Asked Q&A’s on rOCD…  you’ll have access to answers to the most common questions people ask about rOCD... and if you have questions that aren't on there, you can submit them to me and I will answer it (anonymously).
  • 8 Exercises to Eliminate Anxiety & Panic... you’ll get a number of guided meditations and guided practices throughout the course to help your anxiety and panic.
  • Best ROCD/RA Resources… You’ll get access to my list of favorite books, articles and resources that I find on rOCD.
  •  30 Day Community Challenges... Every month, you have the option of joining in on our community challenges. We do these challenges to avoid compulsions and challenge you to use tools from the course to get better!
  • 27 Daily Practices for ROCD ​a great booklet for individuals who are dealing with anxiety and rOCD. Each day is unique with quotes, practices and calming reminders.
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